Top 8 Web Hosts with “Anytime Money Back” Guarantee

anytime money backIf you are looking for a shared hosting, then you might be concerned about pricing terms web hosts offer. Most of them don’t allow for monthly payment, and they also try to have you sign up a longer term service by offering a special discount. Let’s take Bluehost as an example, if you sign up 1 year service with it, the price is $5.95/mo; for 2 years service term, the price is $4.95/mo, and then $3.95/mo for 3 years service term.

It’s obviously you could save more when subscribing 3 years service with them. But another issue come, what if you are not satisfied with its service, or you need a more powerful server when your web site become popular.  In these cases, you might want to cancel the account. Unfortunately, most of web hosts only provide you 30 days money back period, after which they won’t refund you even one cent. It’s bad!

And in below, we will share with you 8 web hosts who allows for “Anytime Money Back”. In this case, you will receive a prorated refund at anytime you want to cancel the account. This unique term will really put your money in safe.

8 Web Hosts Guarantee “Anytime Money Back”

As far as we know, there are only 8 web hosts in the industry who guarantee “Anytime Money Back”. You could find them from below:

  • InmotionHosting and WebHostingHub. InmotionHosting offers its customers with industry leading 90 days money back guarantee, and  after it, all Inmotionhosting customers could receive a prorated refund if they want to cancel the account. You won’t find another web host who have a better pricing term than Inmotionhosting. As WebHostingHub belongs to Inmotionhosting, there is no surprised that they are following the same term. To know more, please visit and
  • Bluehost, HostmonsteFastdomain and iPage. These 4 are the different brand under the same company. As their customes, you can request a full refund within first 30 days, and then prorated refund after it.
  • IXWebHosting provides its customers with 30 days FULL money back period, and then prorated refund after it. So does ANHosting.

“Anytime Money Back” is a great pricing term our editor prefer most, which shows web hosts really take the benefit of their customers seriously. If there is no special reason, we would strongly recommend to consider the services from those web hosts who guarantee “Anytime Money Back”.