Why InmotionHosting Max Speed Zone Matters

Nowadays, as the average Internet connection speed increase around the world, hosting users are becoming less and less tolerant of slow load times. And when comes to choose web hosting deals, speed and uptime performance are now top features that customers concern about, according to surveys.

Hundreds of companies provide fast hosting solutions, but what really sets InmotionHosting apart and awarded as the fastest hosting service is its state-of-the-art facilities and the exclusive Max Speed Zone technology, in particular.

InmotionHosting Max Speed Zone

How fast a website loads generally depends on the datacenter locations and server equipment. If the datacenter is on the other side, then obviously the speed is much slower compared to if the datacenter is closer.

Virtually most of the competitors use a single datacenter, but InmotionHosting makes different. With its hosting service, customers are allowed to choose their datacenter location. Even better, if they are within the exclusive Max Speed Zones, their email and website could run up to 6x faster.

Its Max Speed Zone options available to InmotionHosting business class hosting and VPS clients. The company has teamed up with Internet server providers and peering exchanges around the world for creating direct data connections. In addition, to further confirm the performance, InmotionHosting tests from 35 locations in the US and another 46 locations worldwide. The result is a noticeably faster connection.

Benefits from InmotionHosting Max Speed Zone

  • With Max Speed Zone, customers can now finish their work and maintenance faster because the speed is largely increased.
  • If customers create a website and whether for personal or business use, Max Speed Zone could help increase visitors’ experience anyway. That would eventually lower the bounce rate of the website, and increase its conversion at the same time.
  • On the other hand, search engines utilize website speed as one of their criteria when determining SEO rankings. So, if the website loads fast that would affect positively to the SEO rankings.


InmotionHosting Max Speed Zone is definitely a great choice for all individual and business customers that can ensure them the fastest hosting speed in the industry.

Through InmotionHosting promotional link, the price of its business hosting solution only stats from $4.89/mo, 30% off the regular price $6.99/mo. In addition to affordable price, InmotionHosting also provides rich features, reliable support service, and guarantees maximum speed & uptime, and 90 days money back as well.

To know more about InmotionHosting and its service, please visit www.inmotionhosting.com.