Justhost Review

Justhost review below is based on our own real experience with Justhost and over 30 reviews we have collected from Justhost customers, in which we will review Justhost feature, web server speed, reliability, customer support, pricing and control panel.

Justhost Overall Rating

Justhost Review


  • Features
    :  ★★★★★ 
  • Speed
    :  ★★★★☆ 
  • Reliability
    :  ★★★★☆ 
  • Support
    :  ★★★★★ 
  • Ease-of-use
    :  ★★★★★ 
  • Price
    : $6.95/mo $2.95/mo, 57% off

Justhost offers one-fit-for-all hosting solution to help its customers to setup a website quickly. Its single hosting solution comes with all the features you could expect from a web host. Besides rich features, Justhost is also one of few web host who guarantee “Anytime Money Back”.

Justhost is great for individuals or small businesses to host their sites.

Justhost Review on Price Value

Justhost offer one of the highest price value hosting solution in the industry. Its hosting solution includes the features like free domain, unlimited domain hosting, unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, php, python, perl, ror, MySQL, PostgreSQL, cPanel, and much more.

The list price is at $6.95/month, but with its latest promotion, people could get it at a unbelievable price of $2.95/month only, which makes it one of the cheapest hosting in the industry.

Justhost also provides many addons in its solution, such as $100 Google Adword credit, and $25 Yahoo AD credit.

Justhost commits to the term like  Anytime Money Back, 99.9% uptime, email response within 20 minutes and more. All those increase the price value of its service a lot.