As a webmaster, you must be very familiar with the topic of the importance of backing up your computer, and for a website, file losing could be a devastating disaster. Terribly, website threats are real, and we can see website-crash news and reports almost every day.
Website Threats
- website hackers
Today’s Internet, hackers are extremely common. They hack your website and steal sensitive or private information for their own purpose. If your website is online, there is always a big chance of being attacked by hackers.
- malware and viruses
Sometimes, malware and viruses will get into your website with themes or plugins, and they can slip in through a chink in your firewall’s armor. Backing up your website is able to help you get prepared in case your website goes wrong.
- computer disaster
Website data is normally stored on the computer, but once the computer crash, your file would be gone with it, and you lost everything. Thus, backing up your website is a good idea, and backing up files remotely is more practical.
- wrong update
A website contains software, back-end programming, themes, plugins and many others. Regular updates can enhance site security, but a wrong update to any of these components will take the whole website offline.
- human error
Dealing with website, you will make mistakes. It is greatly possible that you click a wrong button or delete an important file by accident. Backing up your website can decrease the chance that human error ruins your website.
For you webmasters, and especially for business owners, you cannot afford any downtime, and backing up website does not spend much your time or money, and it is an effective investment considering all of the threats that exist online. Here are few tips that you can take into account.
- Choose a reliable web hosting provider that offers website backups as a service
- Install user-friendly plugins and software to backup your website
- It is a good idea to have two copies of your website file
- If you are a newbie, you can ask professionals who have enough knowledge of backup services