What differs web hosting from other consumer products is that web hosting is a service which are intangible and totally sold online. The specialty makes web hosting review an essential reference for customers to get comprehensive and objective understanding of hosting product before purchasing.
There are two type of reviews you can find online. One is reviews from editors, just like what you can find from Best-Cheap-Hosting.com, our editors shared our reviews here based on our own experienced in those web hosts. Another type of review is customer review, this is the reviews submitted by “their customers”, with which you can get more comprehensive feedback on a web host.
In this article, we will talk about where to find Trusted Review from Real Customers.
Customer Hosting Review Scam
The major issues of customer reviews are that the review results are artificial or filtered.
Be aware of reviews in the websites which owned by hosting providers
It is believed that customers would find that many hosting companies got reviews on their official sites, and without exception, all of those are positive reviews.
The hosting company GreenGeeks.com is such an example. The website belongs to GreenGeeks, so it is not surprising that there are no any negative reviews on the page. More accurately, these reviews have lost the reference value, and may even mislead customers to make a wrong choice.
Customer Reviews are not Verified before being Published
This is common issue of most of 3rd party customer reviews site. They simply accept the reviews and republish it, which makes it the place for web hosts to publish positive reviews for their own service. One example is that WebHostingPad, one of the low quality web host our editors have found, they have maintained a list of very good reviews on WebHostingGeeks.com, another well-known hosting review site. Our editor did a test to submit a fake review to them, and it shows up without any verification. Can you trust the reviews there?
Trusted Reviews from Real Customers
Is there any high credibility customer review site? The answer is Yes, it’s HostUCan.com.
HostUCan.com is the best review website that customers can take great advantages. Apart from providing hands-on test hosting reviews, HostUCan also allows people to publish their own reviews, but before publishing, the editors would verify the authenticity of the reviews seriously. If you want to find the reviews from Real customers, then this is the right place to go.
To offer more convenience for customers, the website digs valuable data from reviews, such as the major customers of the web hosts, what types of web sites (and their traffic) are hosted by them, and etc, with which people can know whether they are the targeted customers of a web host, and whether it has experience to host the site like theirs. It’s really helpful!