5 Tips to Help Increase WordPress SEO Ranking

It is well-known that a simple transfer from an old domain to SEO-friendly content management system WordPress could help increase a website’s search engine ranking. If webmasters want to maximum their site’s SEO potential, they will need to make some tweaks.

There are 5 things that most webmasters have applied to their WordPress installation and can certainly help further increase SEO ranking results.

  •   Start with a good title

Generally, a post’s title is what shows on the tab or browser. When visitors conduct a search, title is the first thing they would see. Since search engines always give more attention on the first word written, so to get a higher SEO ranking, titles need to contain keywords.

Similarly, visitors conducting searches would scan and click on the title where keywords appear first. While the normal format puts the title ahead of the post’ title, webmasters need to turn others things around to make the keywords appear first.

  •   Pictures that are properly tagged

Pictures play an essential impact on conducting results. For a majority of visitors, the pictures they see would factor in the website they would visit. With the increase of visiting traffic, the website’s SEO ranking would also be improved.

So, do not ignore the effect of pictures. Webmasters have to choose their pictures carefully and ensure write good alt tags.

  •   Configure the permalinks

Some blogger platforms do not allow modifying the permalinks, but WordPress users can have full control of this aspect. Sometimes, visitors conduct searches regardless if it is not written or published recently.

It is better to do without dating on the permalink structure if the contents that webmasters post are timeless.

  •   WordPress SEO plugins and themes

Using WordPress, there are tons of plugins available that allows add other specific features, and webmasters can use to help improve on-site SEO efforts.

In addition to plugins, premium WordPress themes are a good investment, although webmasters can choose a free one for their website. To ensure their content be indexed by search engines, premium themes can help optimize in terms of both security and SEO ranking.

  •   Interact with visitors

Most of the webmasters use WordPress to develop their personal blogs, thus, comments show an important influence on increasing a website’s SEO. Visitors would leave comments if they are interested in the article, and make responses to interact is a good way to make them link the website, or even subscribe to the posts.