What a Great Web Hosting Should Provide

Sometimes, even if you know exactly your needs, choosing the most suitable hosting provider from thousands of web hosts is not an easy job. When selecting a hosting product, most people are always eager to check the features or price, and ignore whether the hosting provider is really to be trusted.

You may unconscious about determining a hosting provider. Here, we summarize some useful points for your reference, and they can help you find a trustworthy hosting provider for your site.

Uptime Guarantee

Like we mentioned in a previous article that server uptime is the most critical part to ensure your website available. Obviously, hosting providers are all aware of this. A good hosting provider got the confidence to offer customers at least 99.9% server uptime guarantee and complete details of its facilities and equipments.

Instead, some companies would avoid these areas. If you cannot find the information, then most likely they are not good hosting providers.

Growing possibilities

There is no doubt that you would choose the basic and cheapest hosting product to get started your website, and you would prepare for its future development at the same time. Thus, the hosting provider you choose can offer enough scalability to meet the growing needs of your website.

As a great hosting provider, it must have a wide range of hosting products like shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server hosting, which are available for you to upgrade.

Essential features

Every time we refer to website setup, we always suggest you a rough calculation about site scale, contents, and others. In fact, this step is particularly important because you are going to use this calculation as a basis to measure the two essential features: disk space and bandwidth.

Disk space is related to website growing, and bandwidth is associated with website running speed. A reliable web host always provides hosting solutions that come with unlimited disk space and bandwidth features. That makes you avoid suffering from space shortage and slow running speed.

Excellent customer service

Maybe you have found a hosting provider, who can meet all above requirements, you must abandon it if the company offers poor customer service.

Inevitably, you will encounter a variety of problems when using hosting products, and you cannot decide the time when these problems occurred. So 24/7 online customer support service would be preferable.

Not just that, a good hosting provider also offers various support methods, including phone call, live chat, and email. Its support engineers should be skillful and friendly. Anyway, the provider has to offer you a happy support experience.


Taken as a whole, a good hosting provider can maintain its customers with reliable speed and uptime performance, multiple growing choices, unlimited disk space/bandwidth, and excellent customer support.

It’s really not easy to find a great hosting, but it doesn’t mean you have to pay a lot to get this level of service. For example, InmotionHosting, one of the best hosting in the world, offer business-level hosting at an extremely affordable price. People could spend as low as $4.86/mo to start their online journey, which are back up with 99.9% uptime, world-class data center, dell premium server, 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, and 90 days full money back guarantee. It’s definitely a great web host you could trust.