1and1 VPS Review

1and1 (www.1and1.com) is one of the largest domain registrars and web hosts in the world. It has been well-known for its cheap hosting solution since 1998. And in the below 1and1 VPS Review, we will reveal why it’s not recommended.

By the way, at the time we wrote this review, the official site of 1and1 was offline.

Main Features of 1and1 VPS Hosting

1and1 vps review1and1 VPS hosting has three plans: Virtual Server L, Virtual Server XL, and Virtual Server XXL. Its VPS servers are available with both Linux and Windows operating platforms with a Plesk control panel.

Here are details of 1and1 Virtual Server L:

  • 20GB Disk, 512MB RAM, 500GB Bandwidth, and 1 IP Address
  • CentOS 5 with Parallels Plesk Panel 10.4 (64-bit), but many VPS providers has already offered CentOS 6 to their customers
  • Optional SSL certificate, and FTP backup
  • Guaranteed subdomains, not unlimited
  • SSH shell access
  • Full root/administrator access for comprehensive system control

The price is of 1and1 VPS L is at $29/mo. Honestly, this is not a cheap one. InmotionHosting VPS, which shares the same price of $29/mo with 1and1 VS L, but offers more features like 40GB Disk, 512MB/1GB Burstable ram, 750GB monthly transfer, 2 dedicated IP, free cPanel, nightly backup and more.

1and1 VPS Hosting Review on Speed

1and1 data centres are located in Kansas, the US, which got 55,000 square feet- 5 server rooms provide space for 40,000 servers, and 60 Gbit connectivity.

1and1 VPS Page Load Speed

Above is the performance testing we have done against 1and1 VPS. As you can see, in most cities, the page loading speed is around 2 seconds per request and for the cities outside the US, it goes up to 3 seconds. The result is really normal. I think the main reasons for it are:

  • 1and1 oversold its VPS service more than its competitors
  • 1and1 hasn’t well-optimized its MySQL service. (We install WordPress in 1and1 VPS to test the performance).

1and1 VPS Hosting Review on Pricing

There is 3 VPS option offered by 1and1. The regular prices of these 3 plans are $29/mo, $49/mo, and 69/mo respectively. 1and1 offer $10-$20 off per month for the first year. So, please find the detail of their price as following:

  • Virtual Server L Plan starting at $29/mo
  • Virtual Server XL Plan starting at $34.99/mo, and will be charged at $49/mo after 12 months term
  • Virtual Server XXL Plan starting at $44.99/mo, and will be charged at $69/mo after 12 months term

Is 1and1 VPS Recommended?

Generally speaking, 1and1 VPS is not the right choice and it is not recommended by us. The company provides fewer features, has poor VPS performance speed, and got many support complaints from its customers. When we tried to cancel the VPS account after testing, our phone was transferred 3 times with 30 minutes of waiting. It’s a really bad experience.

If you need a VPS, we would like to recommend our list of Best VPS Hosting. For example, you could consider VPS solutions from InmotionHosting, which starts at $29.95/mo only but come with better features, speed, reliability and customer support.  And according to the customer reviews at HostUCan.com, its customer satisfaction rate is at high 93%.

To know more about Inmotionhosting VPS, visit Inmotionhosting’s VPS Hosting Offer, or our Inmotionhosting Review. You could also check out our general 1and1 review.